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Job Hunting During COVID

Applying for jobs and interviews are never easy. But in the uncertain time that we are currently in, the job hunt seems nearly impossible. There are so many unemployed Americans, and we are all going for the same jobs. Here's some advice that I have learned in my job hunt over the past few months.


Are you unemployed because you got a COVID related layoff? Employers understand that some companies struggled more than others, and being honest with them is a great first step. You could use examples of how you have personally grown with your absence from the workforce; present any certifications, degrees, or publications you may have had over the past few months.

Work the Resources

Networking is so important, and it has become more evident than ever. Work your network, ask people you know if their workplace is hiring. You never know what showing an interest can do for your professional growth. LinkedIn is a great resource to start, and do not be afraid to message your connections and introduce yourself. They may be able to connect you with some of their connections, too!

The Right Fit

I know it may be tempting to apply for jobs that you know you could get. But underemployment is just as detrimental as unemployment. You could full well work that side job, but don't lose sight of what really makes you happy. Apply for the jobs that really interest you and fit your values.


Now is the best time to create that website you've always wanted to build. Design stickers on RedBubble. Learn how to knit and sell your creations on Etsy. You have all of this time on your hands, why not spend it doing what you love and selling it online? There are so many perks of owning your own business, and it also looks very impressive to employers as it shows that you are a self-motivated individual.


Do not let the job hunt get you down. Remind yourself that you have so many amazing qualities, and remember: it only takes one yes. Keep your head up and be confident, this will reflect in your interviews. You got this!


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