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Living on Mackinac Island

About 2 months ago, I was offered an amazing opportunity to work and live on Mackinac Island. I didn't even give myself time to think about it, I left two days after I had received my offer letter.

I packed up my tiny car and went on this new adventure alone - constantly asking a higher being, 'why are you sending me here? What am I about to learn?'

It seems like yesterday that I rode in on the ferry, the island looming ahead and not knowing whether to feel excited or nervous - I felt a mix of both. I brought my suitcase and guitar and told myself that I wasn't coming back early. The island got closer into view and it made me cry. The simple romance of the island and elegance of the picture in front of me was so beautiful. It was a picture of independence, of grace, of chance.

I grew to love this place, I grew to love myself and take every challenge with stride. I made friends that I never thought I would have and have grown so much as an individual. This tiny place made me learn how to take chances and more importantly how to love the thrill. I will never forget the memories I made here, days I laughed, days I cried, and days that were filled with joy.

This became home because it's all I had. I came with nothing and not knowing what to expect, but I got through it and did it with beauty and grace. I know now that I can get through anything, and I don't need to rely on anything or anyone other than myself.

I will miss this island more than I ever thought I would, and my heart hurts thinking of leaving. But the leaves are red and the winds of change have arrived, and I know wherever I go next I will be okay, I have to be. It is here that I really learned that life is what you make of it, and you can talk yourself into enjoying or dreading each experience. Goodbye little island, thank you for the lessons and memories.

Now onto the nitty-gritty of everyday life:

Living on the island is very interesting. The entire entity, besides the State Park portions, is geared toward tourists.

We joke that living here is like The Truman Show, everything is always consistently happy.

But living in a tourist destination such as this, without many 'locals only' spots has its challenges as well. We only have one grocery store on the island, most of the restaurants have a wait, and if you are looking to work out and bike around the island, you will almost run into people that aren't paying attention every 2 minutes. You will also miss fast food, and it sounds really weird but trust me.

There are also so many great parts about living here. The people that you will meet are some of the best, and you get to have a getaway from the real world here. Since most people are on vacation here, they are usually in a calmer mood. Not as angry or fed up with life. If you are a social person, you will love to just sit at the bar and talk to tourists, and take pictures for families that are struggling to take that selfie.

We have a large number of Jamaican workers come to work here, and it has been an amazing experience to immerse into learning more about their country and culture. My friends from Jamaica are some of the best and most hardworking people I have ever met. My two best friends on the island are South African, and we are already making plans to visit each other after this season.

Living on the island has brought big changes to me personally. I feel more confident with myself, I am more carefree and take bigger leaps. I have really found the person I have always wanted to be, and I am not as scared as everything like I used to be - I am aware of my own internal power now.

This entire experience has been such a whirlwind but in the best way. I still cannot believe I get to wake up every day on this island and listen to the click-clacking of the horse carriages.

And no, I do not get sick of the view of the Mackinaw Bridge!

If I have any advice for my friends, it would be to just go. There is a whole life out there waiting for you. Experience as much as you can, wake up early and go to bed late. Learn as much as you can from the people around you.


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